#7 provider Consumer<ClassName>

List of state management

👈 نحن نستخدم الـ provider لكى نصل الى الـ data من اى صفحة ونستطيع التعديل عليها

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1in main.dart :
 return ChangeNotifierProvider(
    create: (context) {return ClassName();},
    child: MaterialApp(home: Home(),),
2 create provider folder & create new class
 class ClassName with ChangeNotifier {
 // create new properties & methods
 String myname = "ali hassan";

// use "notifyListeners();" at the end of every method
3 Consumer: listen to the changes & rebuild the widget
  builder: ((context, classInstancee, child) {
  return Text("${classInstancee.myname}");

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#7.1 Task solution

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#7.2 provider Provider.of<ClassName>(context);

1in main.dart :
 return ChangeNotifierProvider(
    create: (context) {return ClassName();},
    child: MaterialApp(home: Home(),),
2 create provider folder & create new class
 class ClassName with ChangeNotifier {
 // create new properties & methods
 String myname = "ali hassan";

// use "notifyListeners();" at the end of every method
3Provider.of: listen to the changes & rebuild the widget
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  final classInstancee = Provider.of<ClassName>(context);
  return Scaffold(body: Text("${classInstancee.myname}"));

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